WP4 deliverable: testing the Unmanned Forestry Machine for land-use planning of the Arctic

    ArcticHubs researchers are drawing upon a range of innovative tools to find solutions to forest land-use conflict in the Arctic region: the Unmanned Forestry Machine (UFM), developed by some of the ArcticHubs partners, Luleå University of Technology in collaboration with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, is being tested as one of this in WP4 of the project activities. Why is there a need of the UFM? And what …

Interview with Dr. Pasi Rautio, principal scientist at Natural Resources Institute Finland

Interview with Dr. Pasi Rautio, principal scientist at Natural Resources Institute Finland and Project Coordinator at ArcticHubs. As project coordinator of the ArcticHubs, Dr. Pasi Rautio hopes to contribute with his knowledge about natural research, forestry and environmental issues to ensure that the future (exploitation) of Arctic lands, and the competition of the different sectors on it, is more sustainable. In this interview we discuss how he became involved in …

Using a public participatory GIS tool to co-design solutions in the ArcticHubs

At the heart of the ArcticHubs project are a number of tools that are seeking to access a broad range of views and voices, through which to shape solutions when addressing the urgent challenges around land-use conflict in the Arctic. To avoid an overload of one-way quizzing from researchers – probing for an understanding through which to frame recommendations – ArcticHubs has instead moved towards a co-design approach. Placing an …

Online event: ArcticHubs and GEOfood for the EU Green Week 2021

We are pleased to announce that for the EU Green Week 2021, together with MagmaGeopark and some of the project partners, the ArcticHubs project organises an online webinar:   The opening up of new economic sectors, including mining and mass tourism, alongside the industrialisation of many traditional livelihoods, such as fishing and forestry, are driving land and water use conflicts between competing sectors, and producing profound transformations on lives and …

An early snapshot of the ‘glocal’ interplay across ArcticHubs

In the Arctic region, a new and exciting chapter has begun with the release of the preliminary results of Work Package 1 (WP1) of the ArcticHubs project, which started its research action a few months ago. The H2020 funded project started back in August 2020. One of the primary tasks earmarked for the initial phases of the project is to identify and assess the economic and geopolitical influences affecting the …

ArcticHubs project: a multidisciplinary collaboration of top actors around the Arctic region

The ArcticHubs project was launched on 1 August 2020, a four-year initiative funded as part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program. The ArcticHubs project brings together 21 partners in eleven different countries all around the Arctic region, from Canada to Russia. Its partners are drawn from Universities and research Institutes; the NGO, public and private sectors; and civil society. Finland focuses mainly on the land use conflicts of forestry, tourism, …