
Global economic drivers in the development of different industrial hubs in the European Arctic

Work package 1 – ArcticHubs report
The report presents the global economic drivers affecting the development of major industries of aquaculture, forestrymining and tourism in the European Arctic. Researchers have carried out almost 70 interviews and examined several national industry-specific strategies and relevant EU strategies to explore how the Arctic is globally connected via interlinkages and processes with the rest of the World.

D1.2 Global economic drivers in the development of different industrial hubs

Analyses of the corporate social responsibility of international companies operating in the Arctic

Work package 1 – ArcticHubs report

The report investigates how companies in different resource-based industries (i.e., aquaculture, tourism, mining, and forestry) understand their corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of their business operations in the Arctic. Researchers have analysed the sustainability reports and/or annual reports and corporate websites of 17 companies and associations from the aquaculture, tourism, mining, and forestry sectors that are active in several Arctic hubs included in the project.

D.1.2 – Subtask 1.1.3. Analyses of the corporate social responsibility reporting of the main international companies operating in different Arctic hubs: sustainable development in focus

Analysis of climate change impacts in different industries and hubs

The aim of the report is to analyse the meaning of climate change as a global driver for different industries and hubs. The data comes from national climate change and climate
change adaptation plans, national Arctic strategies, industry strategies as well as interviews of key informants. The report also looks at challenges that are simply too complex and uncertain to concretize hence remain as suggestions. As developing co-knowledge is at the core of the ArcticHubs project, this deliverable is data-driven and not based on previous academic literature.

Work package 1 – ArcticHubs report

D.1.4 Climate change impacts in different industries and Arctic hubs

Political drivers for development of different industries in the European Arctic

The project report discusses geopolitical tensions and drivers affecting the development of major industries in the European Arctic, namely, aquaculture, forestry, mining, and tourism. The analysis is based, first, on national Arctic strategies developed by European Arctic states. Second, 60 interviews were carried out to explore how geopolitics can affect the development of different industries and how informants related to these industries understand their operations in the Global North.

Work package 1 – ArcticHubs report

D1.3 Political drivers for development of different industries in the European Arctic



Lean forestry – A paradigm shift from economies of scale to precise and sustainable use of ecosystem services in forests

P. Rautio, H. Lideskog , U. Bergsten , M. Karlberg, 2023. Forest Ecology and Management (530)120766

Lean forestry is a novel philosophy of forestry practise that aims to direct the idea of “big is beautiful” in modern silviculture more into “do cost effectively only what is needed to fulfil the goals”. This kind of a paradigm shift requires systems with new kinds of abilities to remotely sense the surrounding environment. Download here.


Multiple-use forests and reindeer husbandry – Case of pendulous lichens in continuous cover forests

T. Rikkonen, M. Turunen , V. Hallikainen , P. Rautio, 2023. Forest Ecology and Management (529)120651

This study shows that in order to better reconcile forestry and reindeer husbandry in a reindeer herding area, the larger trees should be saved, and the cutting cycle should be kept as long as possible. In addition, lichen-rich areas should be excluded from logging, and the access of reindeer to those areas should be secured. Download the paper here.