Introducing some tools being tested and developed in the ArcticHubs project

Welcome to the ArcticHubs project’s tools page!

As part of Horizon 2020 initiatives, the ArcticHubs project aims to research and co-create practice based solutions at hubs level for conflicts over land and sea resources in the region.

The project recognises the importance of co-designig solutions with locals and Arctic stakeholders and has curated this page to provide the reader with a comprehensive list of tools that the project is developing, testing and adopting to reach its goals.
These are:

  • Building of future scenarios to be applied in the Arctic using #Delphi and #Q-Study methods
  • Public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) with #Maptionnaire platform
  • The concept of ”Lean Forestry” supported by the use of intelligent and unmanned machine (UFM) for soil scarification and forestry
  • Guidelines for ‘Social Licence to Operate‘ (SLO) beyond mining sector, and applied to new sectors

The project recognises that conducting participatory research and activities in the Arctic presents unique challenges, including also limited infrastructure, extreme weather conditions, and often a remote and harsh environment. Therefore, the tools listed on this page have been selected based on their ability to help locals overcome these challenges and conduct their work in a more efficient, effective, bottom up and collaborative manner.

The list of project  tools includes research methods for data collection and analysis, geographic information systems, remote sensing machine for data collection and analysis, and communication tools, among others.

We understand that every research project is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, we encourage researchers/users to explore the various tools and resources available on this page and select the ones that best suit their needs.

Leads: Luleå University of Technology in collaboration with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
The UFM on a test run – click on the image to view the explainer video

A flexible community engagement digital platform – Maptionnaire – for the use and co-creation of individual questionnaires, sharing of maps based information and images, built on GIS system. This tool is being tested and improved in several project hubs around the Arctic, with co-created (with local stakeholders) questionnaires to explore perceptions and positions of locals and stakeholders about Arctic scenario and current issues.Questionnaire editor in PPGIS ArcticHubs research tool