We are pleased to announce that for the EU Green Week 2021, together with MagmaGeopark and some of the project partners, the ArcticHubs project organises an online webinar:
The opening up of new economic sectors, including mining and mass tourism, alongside the industrialisation of many traditional livelihoods, such as fishing and forestry, are driving land and water use conflicts between competing sectors, and producing profound transformations on lives and communities of the Arctic region.
The webinar pulls together experiences from two overlapping schemes, the ArcticHubs EU Horizon 2020 funded project and the UNESCO Global Geoparks ‘GEOfood’ initiative.
Each utilises multisectoral and multidisciplinary networks to respond with practice-based and research informed solutions to the urgent social, cultural and environmental challenges faced in the Arctic.
ArcticHubs and GEOfood will introduce a variety of products, tools and processes that demonstrate the benefits of
bringing collaborative, participatory approaches to tackling environmental and polluting issues locally.
Starting at 11:00 (CET)
- Touch TD – The ArcticHubs project, including proposed strategies that will mitigate against pollution and other environmental impacts.
- Magma Geopark – GEOfood concept in UNESCO Global Geoparks and its connection with UNSDGs.
- Mapita, Finland – The application of PPGIS.
- University of Iceland – Multisectoral data in a spatial context in Westfjords Arctic hub, Iceland.
- Rokua Geopark – Geofood connecting local producers and tourism business.
- Magma Geopark – Magma UNESCO Global Geopark as one of the Artict Hub and use of PPGIS.
- Natural Resources Institute Finland – Tools for sustainable development of industrial and cultural Arctic “hubs”.
The webinar was recorded, so to catch up with an edited version of the event, please stay tuned, we will announce the uploading of that video!