The ArcticHubs project is manage by a Consortium consisting of 21 partners from 11 countries, 2 countries being outside Europe.
15 of the participants are academic or governmental research organisations, 2 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 4 practice partners.
Coordination of the work among the diverse participants and Hubs requires efficient and well-designed organisation structure. To this end, the General Assembly (GA) of the Consortium is the ultimate decision-making body responsible of the strategic orientation of the project.
The project will be coordinated by Luke, represented by Dr. Pasi Rautio.
The management structure of ArcticHubs ensures for its part efficient uptake of the results at all levels and involvement of stakeholders in the project.
ArcticHubs Consortium Partners
- Finland: Luke – Natural Resources Institute Finland; University of Lapland; Mapita Ltd; Reindeer Herders’ Association; Sámi Education Institute
- Sweden: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU); Luleå University of Technology; Grans Sameby
- Norway: NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS; Magma Geopark AS; Norwegian
Institute for Nature Research; Nofima; Rogaland County Council - Iceland: Hólar University/Háskólinn á Hólum; University of Iceland
- Russia: Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KSC RAS)
- UK: TouchTD Ltd
- Austria: Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
- Italy: University of Turin
- Greenland: Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
- Faroe Islands: University of the Faroe Islands
- Canada: Dalhousie University
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