Under headings such as Indicators, current factual and statistical sites, including the site of the Finnish Food Authority and Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)’s statistical site, focus mainly on describing the situation in Finland.

Luke published a “Farm to fork 2016 – Statistics on the food chain” report (in Finnish), which presents statistics from a food safety point of view. It is the seventh update of this type of review and it was the first time when responsibility was also addressed. The eighth update is due at the end of 2020.

Evira on its behalf has published a comprehensive status report on food safety in 2019: “Food safety in Finland 2018”.

Finfood – Finnish Food Information’s (Ruokatieto) own statistical collection on the Food Facts website, the annual Forkful of facts presents the various phases of food production through a range of statistics, which also focuses primarily on Finland.

In order to demonstrate Finland’s strengths it is essential to place this information in an international context and provide international comparative statistical data. The main goal of this Food Facts website is to bridge the abovementioned gap and be the missing link required in support of future marketing and communications efforts.

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