Finnish food products are among the best in the world. Good practices in primary production form the basis of high quality. Environmental issues and animal welfare are primary focus areas. Finnish food is clean, and throughout the food chain, its hygiene, traceability and accountability are among the best in the world.


Finland’s first-rate food production methods offer a competitive edge

It is often said that the Finnish food chain should not compete in the market of low-cost bulk food due to small production volumes and high costs. It would be more important to specialise in high-quality and high-priced products, as many background factors increase the quality and value of Finnish food. Key strengths were listed at this Food facts (Ruokafakta) website.

Read the entire article here


Other food facts compilations

Many of the strengths of the Finnish food chain have remained unknown to consumers and domestic and overseas buyers. Although information on Finnish production practices exists, the fragmented data has lacked an international dimension.

In order to demonstrate Finland’s strengths it is essential to place this information in an international context and provide international comparative statistical data. The main goal of this Food Facts website is to bridge the abovementioned gap and be the missing link required in support of future marketing and communications efforts.

Read more about other food facts publications


Institutes and organisations

Funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Food Facts website project was jointly completed by the Natural Resources Institute Finland and the Finnish Food Safety Authority. Within the framework of the project, data was collected from nearly 50 experts in 20 institutions.

See the list of topics by contributing institutes here


Photo in upper edge: Aarno Isomäki