Making the most of manure with results of Manure Standards project

The 2,5-year-long project Manure Standards kick-started the development towards more harmonized and equal practices for manure data generation and use in the Baltic Sea Region. The project produced new information on manure, recommendations for good manure utilization, tools for manure mass balance calculation and instructions for representative manure sampling and analysis. The results can be used by farmers, advisors, research and policymakers. Manure is a valuable resource and its proper …

Generating manure data for individual farms – lessons learnt with the pilot farms

Manure Standards project worked with altogether 94 animal farms around the Baltic Sea. The methods for manure data generation – sampling and analysis and farm-level mass balance calculation – were tested in practice. Both were found to have their pros and cons. A farm-level calculation tool was prepared for cattle, pig and poultry farms with the most important animal categories and manure types included. The Excel-based tool and a manual for its use is …

Tools available for calculating manure quantity and composition

Regional data of manure quantity and composition is needed e.g. when planning efficient manure use and making emission inventories. The data can be calculated as a mass balance starting from animal feed and excretion and proceeding all the way through animal housing and manure storage. Thus the manure data is also made available in three steps: ex animal, ex housing and ex storage. While some countries have national calculation systems, …

Manure Standards results discussed in national events around Baltic Sea region

The project Manure Standards organized a series of national events in the Baltic Sea countries to receive feedback from the project’s targets groups at three different stages of the project. Through the national dialogue, the project was able to reach its main target groups in the Baltic Sea countries effectively and engage them in a discussion about the current practices regarding manure data generation and manure data use. Most countries …

Instructions and recommendations for manure sample analysis

To increase understanding of the methods used for manure analysis within the Baltic Sea Region, Manure Standards project has formulated instructions and recommendations for manure analysis.The purpose of the instructions is to provide laboratory personnel, authorities, advisors, and farmers information on the best practices in manure analysis to improve the accuracy of the analysis results. Getting accurate results of manure sampling and analysis is crucial for farmers in planning and …

The impact of using the new manure tools assessed

Manure Standards project has developed new instructions and tools to improve the precision of data on manure quantity and nutrient content. The data is the basis of fertilization with manure and affects how efficiently manure can be utilized. In the project, manure data generated with the new methods was compared to manure data currently used on pilot farms and in national context. The environmental and economic impacts of the changes …

Quick guide for successful manure sampling and analysis

During Manure Standards project, we’ve done research and developed best practices for successful manure sampling and analysis. The results of our work is now summarised in the six slides below. See why and how manure sampling and analysis of the samples should be done. Click bottom right corner to view in full screen!   The six-pager can be also dowloaded here. Full sampling instructions for all manure types can be …

Report on national nutrient balances in the Baltic Sea region published

Manure Standards report on national nutrient balances in the Baltic Sea region analyses nutrient balances for the region’s countries based on different calculation methods, compares them, and gives recommendations which method should be used in all Baltic Sea region countries. The calculation of nutrient balances has been used as an environmental indicator for agriculture for many years. Particularly, nitrogen balances/surpluses have been established as one of the few generally accepted …

How manure fertilization and fertilizer use are regulated in Baltic Sea region?

A new Manure Standards report compiles legislation and voluntary actions regulating manure fertilization and fertilizer use in the Baltic Sea Region. Such information is very diverse and has not been collected earlier. The report is targeted to anyone working with manure utilization and its development and/or regulation. The new report compiles legislation and voluntary actions regulating manure fertilization and fertilizer use in the following countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, …

Better nutrient management by manure sampling: step-by-step instructions published!

On-farm sampling and analysis of manure provides farm-specific information that can improve the utilisation of manure resources. Manure Standards project has developed in a wide research-practice cooperation step-by-step manure sampling instructions to make manure sampling on farms easy, effective and more harmonised.  Reliable information on the nutrient content of manure is necessary in order to develop a comprehensive nutrient management plan that maximises the effectiveness of crop use and growth …