International comparison of organic production

The role of organic production as part of the sustainable food system has increased during the recent decades in Finland, as well as in the rest of Europe and other parts of the world. The Switzerland-based Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) compiles and publishes annual statistics on the development of the global organic sector in its updated database (1) and as an annual publication (2). In Finland, organic statistics …

New topic on FoodFacts – Egg quality

The quality of eggs is monitored at both farms as self-regulation and at packaging plants. The cleanliness and porosity of eggs and other outward signs are indicative of production conditions at the farm and egg quality. Finland’s national Salmonella Control Programme is one-of-a-kind in the World in terms of the number of monitored serotypes. Read more  

Food facts website in German

Food facts website is published in German Statistical information by product categories on the levels of contaminants in Finnish food, medication of production animals and production practices in German, English, Swedish and Finnish is available on the Food Facts website of the Natural Resources Institute Finland. The main sources used by researchers for the website include the EUROSTAT, EFSA and OECD statistics. Besides the Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira and …

New topic on FoodFacts – Air quality

Air quality in Finland is the best in the world, the level of airborne particles in Finland is an average 6 µg/m3 or 6 microgrammes per cubic metre which is the lowest level for any individual country. Read more

Low use of antibiotics and pesticides shown in the statistics – international comparison proves the strengths of Finnish food production

The statistical comparison made by the Natural Resources Institute Finland tells how Finnish food production is placed in international comparison in the light of tens of indicators. The Foodfacts website gives information on pesticide and antibiotic residues and production practices by food categories. The website is published in the Finnish, Swedish and English language, and it serves to support Finnish companies operating on the domestic and international food market to …