Work Package 3 of Manure Standards project will provide joint guidelines for calculating manure quality and quantity in Baltic Sea region. A newly published report gives a detailed overview of systems currently in use in the Baltic Sea region for calculating manure amount and composition based on feed data (feed consumption and chemical composition).

The report brings out the main similarities and differences between the countries. The main result of the analysis is that for similar feed ratio the calculated manure amount and chemical composition are very similar irrespective of calculation methods. Based on current report, a set of algorithms was chosen that are the basis for developing the manure composition calculation tool, which is one of the main outputs of Manure Standards project.

The report is aimed for agricultural and environmental specialists working with manure production, nutrient content and environmental effects.

Manure Standards publication

More information about the report from WP3 leader and editor of the report, Allan Kaasik.


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