The main objective of WP5 was to serve as the platform for dialogue between the project consortium and the target groups. Dialogue among different actors was encouraged to ensure development and implementation of widely accepted tools for manure data provision.

More specifically the aims were

  • to ensure effective exchange of needs, knowledge and ideas between the project partnership and the target groups,
  • to train the target groups in using the new manure data and tools to collect it with,
  • to plan the potential implementation of the new manure data and tools in national legislation and other uses,
  • to plan the potential implementation of the new manure data and tools in transnational policymaking and targets for improved manure use and reduced emissions, and
  • to create a handbook on smart nutrient use in the BSR based on the results from all WPs.

In practice, WP5 organized interactive events with national and transnational target groups to facilitate the necessary discussion.

WP5 used HELCOM Agri group as the transnational policy platform with members from all relevant BSR ministries and observers from farmers’ associations and NGOs.

Photo: Pexels


How to make the most of manure? Handbook on good manure management practices.

Legislation and voluntary actions regulating manure fertilization and fertilizer use in the Baltic Sea Region

All WP5 publications are available at the Results page.


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