146 different edible plant and 148 edible animal species were documented in the project area in Benin, showing the richness of local biodiversity for food and nutrition.

However, 80% of surveyed households experienced some form of food insecurity over the past month, and 59% of households lacked foods several times across the year. Coping strategies used during food insecure periods include reducing diversity and quantity of food, taking loans to buy food or consuming
wild foods, particularly wild vegetables.

60% of the children surveyed met the minimum dietary diversity. However, none of the children surveyed reached the recommended nutrient intake. The diets are not sufficient to provide the necessary nutrients intake for calcium, iron and zinc.

Wild foods provide important contributions to food and nutrition security and resilience, particularly during months of staple food scarcity. Adequacy of micronutrients from the diet correlated with caregivers education, indicating a great potential of nutrition education adapted to local context.