Value chain training at University of Makerere made use of the data collected in FoodAfrica

A key aspect of FoodAfrica has been capacity building at different levels. This has meant inviting different stakeholders in different roles to take part in various types of capacity building activities, from farmer trainings to advanced PhD work. Lately, also the data itself collected in FoodAfrica has raised a lot of interest. Students at the University of Makerere in Uganda were trained by FoodAfrica researchers on value chain and market …

FoodAfrica researchers participated in a conference on Impact of International Agricultural Research in Nairobi

In July, CGIAR organized a conference on assessing the impact of international agricultural research, in Nairobi. FoodAfrica held its own annual meeting in connection to the event, which gave the FoodAfrica researchers an opportunity to engage with other relevant partners and share the FoodAfrica results. The conference was a three day event held at ICRAF in Nairobi, including engaging plenary sessions with invited papers and discussions, and a number of …

FoodAfrica researchers and local farmers were brought together in Senegal by Theatre Forum – a participatory method to resolve stakeholders’ problems

In Senegal, the FoodAfrica team has made use of the interactive theatre forum method. It was applied by the FoodAfrica team to address some of the critical water management issues facing irrigated agriculture in the coastal Niayes region of Senegal. The theatre forum method can be used to disseminate the key messages coming from one’s research results while creating opportunities for smallholder farmers to react to research-based findings. It also …