New discoveries about business model innovation the forestry service sector

One of the objectives in the FOBIA project has been to increase our understanding of business models applied by forestry service contractors and find ways to stimulate innovation within this sector. A business model describes how businesses produce, market and deliver goods or services to their customers, and business model innovation is thus the introduction of new ways to organize and govern the company’s business activities. A good product or …

Small businesses in dire straits – the success factors of logging companies were researched

Forest machine companies have been struggling for some time. Many are in dire straits due to bad harvesting weather conditions, industrial actions and the decrease in demand for wood. The situation for small companies is the most concerning, as many lack the buffer funds to survive tougher times. In its FOBIA project, the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) researched the reasons why some of these companies succeed and some do …

Benefitting both the entrepreneur and the operator – feedback from the audits very positive

In order to find out the level of adoption of the teachings in operator audit during the FOBIA project, Luke and Riveria conducted a telephone survey among the Finnish harvester and forwarder operators who participated in the audits during the project. The audits were also carried out in Ireland and Scotland but these harvester operators were excluded from the survey due to the fact that their working methods and environment …