New report highlights differences and similarities between forestry service contractors in four countries

A recently published report, a product of the FOBIA project’s work on business models, presents a comprehensive mapping of the current state of forestry service contractors in Finland, Scotland, Ireland and Sweden. Including descriptions of services offered by the contractors, types of machines and staffing resources, types of customers, and development needs for the future. In addition, the report also covers the contractor financial sustainability. Researchers and industry professionals from …

Educating and enjoyable weekend at Ponsse

The first Finnish pilot group of Fobia BOOST Site was launched in a training camp held at Ponsse locations on 11th and 12th October. We met there the Ponsse Ladies – a group of 12 active and skilful members of family enterprises in harvesting business – hosted by Mrs Tiina Nissinen from Ponsse. We started our day one with a through training package on the new Ponsse Manager application. Ponsse …

“It’s about skills, not about gender”

“In the forest industry, having a job or a successful career is not about gender. Instead, skills, attitudes and independence can take you far – no matter if you are a man or a woman”, says Eila Lautanen, development manager at Työtehoseura (TTS). Eila Lautanen’s views are backed up by hard facts and her more than 40 years of educational and work experience in the forest industry. She has completed …

Practical experience is no match for machine data

Continuously developing machine data analysis software also benefits small entrepreneurs. Finnish forest machine entrepreneurs are at the forefront of development in terms of the utilisation of machine data, says Seppo Kontteli from Komatsu Forest Oy. “In other parts of the world, machines are still mostly considered to be tools. Finland and Sweden have proceeded clearly further in the systematic utilisation of machine data. The rest of the world will start …

Do you want to be in top shape with your machine operating? Skogsentreprenörerna are launching a unique method course

– During the fall, we tested it in sharp condition, says company developer Ebbe Lindberg, who is responsible for the course. The desire for a method course of its own has been good for a while, and in recent times demand has increased significantly. A lot of things are about hand-polishing the shape – finding small and good things that together make the driver-machine cooperation even sharper. The demand for …