The work package on increased efficiency in silviculture (WP2) pursues a giant leap in silvicultural operations.

The detailed targets of the work are:

  • to study and evaluate different soil preparation techniques concerning how it facilitates mechanized planting, especially with a continuously advancing planting machine.
  • to develop and study efficient techniques and methods in mechanized early PCT operations.
  • to develop and test innovative concepts of mechanized boom corridor thinning in young stands.
  • to optimise of the chain of operations in forest regeneration from site preparation to PCT.
  • to evaluate the effect of management unit size on economy in precision forestry.

Lead partner: Luke

Other partners: Metsägroup, Skogforsk, Metsäteho Oy, UPM, SLU, Stora Enso OYJ, CBB, SCA Skog AB, Holmen AB, Sveaskog, Stora Enso AB, Södra