EFFORTE D1.2 Database and models for soil type specific trafficability
EFFORTE D1.3 Recommendations on terrain trafficability
EFFORTE D2.2 Site preparation adjusted for mechanised planting
EFFORTE D2.3 Silvicultural feasibility of new early PCT methods
EFFORTE D2.4 Advanced biomass thinning
EFFORTE D2.5 Tool for selection of regeneration chain
EFFORTE D2.6 Economical unit size in precision forestry
EFFORTE D3.1 Mapping and SWOT analysis of existing an future Big Data sources
EFFORTE D3.3 Forest trafficability maps -data sources and methods
EFFORTE D3.4 Planning for precision forestry by means of trafficability maps
EFFORTE D3.5 Logging trail visualizations and post-harvest quality control
EFFORTE D3.7 Harvester information for micro compartments
EFFORTE D3.8 Pilot software for improved silviculture operations
EFFORTE D4.1 Validation and analyses of expected impacts
EFFORTE D4.2 Review of additional accessories for harvesters, forwarders and skidders
EFFORTE D4.3 Organizing training courses and gentle forestry
EFFORTE D4.4 Operator tutorials and efficient information chains
EFFORTE D4.5 Validation of developed tools for operational planning
EFFORTE D4.6 Validation of cost-efficient and productive silviculture
EFFORTE D4.7 Validation and analyses of expected impacts
EFFORTE D4.8 Plan for training, workshops and seminars
EFFORTE D4.10 Plan for suggested fast tracks
EFFORTE D5.1 Promotional material and website
EFFORTE D5.2 Dissemination and communication
EFFORTE D5.3 Project management tools and communication strategy
EFFORTE D5.4 Mid-term dissemination with suitable materials
EFFORTE D5.5 Final seminar and corresponding dissemination material