It starts with the map

Different applications are used for almost everything nowadays, and they are making things easier in both working life and personal life. Forestry operations don’t make an exception. But sometimes simple solutions can be just as good as a fancy app, with too much data and calculations and thereby bigger risk of miscalculations. When it comes to efficient forestry, it is little surprising but absolutely wonderful to hear that sustainable solutions …

EFFORTE project in France: Let’s talk about soil!

When planning and undertaking logging operations in the plains, French forest companies are often confronted with multiple challenges related to soil bearing capacity and respective sensitiveness towards compaction and rutting. Risk mitigation measures are already in place both in the forest management plan and the pre-harvest planning but some knowledge gaps still hinder efficiency. French mineral soils make it a hard job because forest soils are heterogeneous and sensitive situations …

Boosting the European forestry industry

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is leading a pan-European research project to develop more effective and sustainable methods for forest harvesting and management. For the companies participating in the project, it means tangible benefits. Jori Uusitalo, Regional Director of Natural Resources Institute Finland, is not an easy man to reach by phone. This is understandable, given that the EFFORTE research project, worth some EUR 4.2 million, has just been launched. …

European wood chain tackles terrain trafficability issues through collaborative research efforts

How could European bio-based industry intensify its practices and take advantage of its growth potential in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner? A unique research project EFFORTE is looking for answers from forest management and wood harvesting practices. In a joint effort, European forest research institutions and industry are set to find cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for forest operations. One of the aims of the EFFORTE project is to …

EFFORTE kick-off meeting connects researchers and industrial partners

EFFORTE project’s Kick-off meeting and Business Forum will take place on  3-5 October, 2016 in Tampere, Finland. The meeting will be held at the Kampusareena located at the heart of Tampere University of Technology campus. The first meeting day, starting with open ceremonies, will mainly focus on providing basic information about the administrative aspects of the project and dissemination. The first actions within the WP1 (Trafficability) and WP2 (Efficient silviculture) will also …