Big Data: the key element of new tools for forestry

  In EFFORTE, August 2017 was time to prepare and finish 4 deliverables. These deliverables were strongly focused on Big Data and applications using it. In the project one key objective is to describe all meaningful and potential forestry related Big Data and to create decision-support models, such as forestry applications based on these data. They aim to increase cost-efficiency and new business opportunities in forest operations – sustainably, of …

New deliverables unwrap big data in forestry

Interested in big data and its usage in forestry? Have a look to our newest deliverables D3.3, D3.4 and D3.6 and find out how it was used in the work. These fresh-from-the-oven deliverables are about producing forest trafficability maps (D3.3), how those maps can be used in precision forestry (D3.4), and how to improve the efficiency in regeneration activities (D3.6). These deliverables are outputs of the work package on big data …

EFFORTE kick-off meeting connects researchers and industrial partners

EFFORTE project’s Kick-off meeting and Business Forum will take place on  3-5 October, 2016 in Tampere, Finland. The meeting will be held at the Kampusareena located at the heart of Tampere University of Technology campus. The first meeting day, starting with open ceremonies, will mainly focus on providing basic information about the administrative aspects of the project and dissemination. The first actions within the WP1 (Trafficability) and WP2 (Efficient silviculture) will also …