What is the impact of the intensification of timber harvesting on forest soils and what are the good management practices to be implemented? 80 participants from forest companies, research organizations and NGOs debated those questions at the seminar day on 25 June 2018 in Paris, France.

The program of the day included presentations by representatives of Ademe, the Ministry of Agriculture, FCBA and INRA, the National Forestry Office (ONF), the public interest group GIP Ecofor, Biomass Normandy and the National Federation of Entrepreneurs of the Territories (FNEDT).

Preventions measures towards both potential nutriment loss and mechanical disturbances were highlighted based on the lessons learnt thanks to research projects. Philippe Ruch (FCBA and EFFORTE’s WP1 leader) presented the on-going work in EFFORTE and the industrial commitment to find sustainable solutions to the trafficability challenges. Emmanuel Cacot (FCBA) took the audience through a historical tour of mechanized forest operations in France and stressed. The need for researchers to consider practitioners’ operational reality was stressed, as well as expectations towards adapted change management strategies.


See also: EFFORTE project in France: Let’s talk about soil!
