An important goal of the BuSK project is to involve local stakeholders and end users from the very beginning of the project. Therefore, WP1 organized a first meeting for Kilpisjärvi village people in August 22nd.

Kilpisjärvi meeting with villagers was held over coffee in teepee hut.
Kilpisjärvi meeting with villagers was held over coffee in teepee hut.

After the short presentation of the BuSK project Gaute Svensson from the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø told about planning in Reisa National Park. Co-operation over border was seen as an important area of development. In the meeting Kilpisjärvi villagers told their perspectives and wishes to the project how to better participate local people in land use planning. Meetings with local people and administration form an integral part of the BuSK activities.

Gaute Svensson from the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø told about planning in Reisa National Park.
Gaute Svensson from the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø told about planning in Reisa National Park.
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