There are currently 202 nurseries in Northwest Russia that produce forest tree seedlings. 111 million seedlings were produced for the 2019 forest regeneration, of which 26 million were container seedlings. It is estimated that forest regeneration will require 106 million seedlings this year in Northwest Russia. In some regions there is a shortage of seedlings, but the material is supplemented within the framework of the zones that regulate the origin of the seeds.

According to the legislation, only seeds of classified origin may be used in seedling production. Seeds collected from the same region is used primarily, but if not available, the seeds can be moved from another region of origin. For example, the Republic of Karelia belongs to one region of origin, both for spruce and pine.

This year, 33 100 hectares of forest have been regenerated artificially. Under the new rules on forest regeneration, autumn planting must be done only with container seedlings. In 2018, the area of forest regeneration was 241 000 hectares in Northwest Russia, including 213 700 hectares in leased forest areas. Share of artificial forest regeneration accounted for 14% of the total area.

Sources: Federal Forestry, Prikaz Federalnogo agentstvo lesnogo hozjajstva ot 2 fevralja 2012 N 26, Prikaz Federalnogo agentstvo lesnogo hozjajstva ot 28 marta 2016 N 100