Quality description of roundwood price statistics in Finland


Average stumpage prices (EUR per solid cubic metre with bark, excl. VAT)
Average delivery prices at roadside (EUR per solid cubic metre with bark, excl. VAT)
Total sales volumes (solid cubic metre with bark)

In standing sales, the felling right is assigned to the buyer who is responsible for the harvesting and long-distance transportation of the contracted roundwood volumes. The unit price of roundwood is called the stumpage price.

In delivery sales, the seller is responsible for the harvesting and haulage of roundwood to a storage point (usually an intermediate storage alongside a forest road). So-called cash sales of roundwood are included in delivery sales. Cash sale refers to a transaction, in which the harvested volumes of roundwood assortments are already brought to the storage point by the seller, i.e. the transaction between the buyer and seller takes place after the harvesting and not before as in stumpage and delivery sales. In delivery sales, the unit price is called the delivery price at roadside (roadside price).

The Finnish statistics on sales volumes include data both on stumpage and delivery sales from private forests. Standing (stumpage) sales are the most common sales form. In 2017 they accounted for 85 % of the total sales from private forests, and delivery sales the remaining 15 %. Delivery sales to mill gate are mainly practiced by Metsähallitus managing the Finnish state forests that are not included in the statistics.

Ownership categories

Non-industrial private forest owners

Industrial roundwood trade statistics consist of sales from forests owned by non-industrial private forest owners (NIPF) including municipalities, congregations, and other communities such as common forests. The share of NIPF accounted for 61 per cent of forest land and 84 per cent of total roundwood removals in Finland in 2017.

Official data of prices and sales volumes from forests owned by the state or forest industry companies do not exist.

Roundwood assortments

Industrial roundwood: pine, spruce and birch logs; pine, spruce and birch pulpwood

Logs include both the veneer and sawlogs. Dimensions and quality requirements of roundwood assortments may differ between the buyers. The Finnish national statistics include also information (prices and/or volumes) on trade in small diameter pine and spruce logs, some special roundwood assortments, and energywood.

Frequency and regionality

Monthly, annual
Whole country

Country level data exclude roundwood trade in Åland. Besides the country level, roundwood trade statistics are provided for seven price regions. Luke publishes also weekly data on roundwood prices (sliding average of four past weeks) and sales volumes compiled by the Finnish Forest Industries Federation. Weekly monitoring of purchased roundwood prices and volumes is not regarded as Luke’s official statistics.

Sources and coverage

The data of industrial roundwood trade is based on sales contracts between wood buyers and non-industrial private forest owners. The roundwood trade statistics are based on the wood prices written down into wood trade contracts between buyers and sellers. Additional pricing components and forest services connected to wood trade are not included in the wood price statistics.

Most of the information is collected by the Finnish Forest Industries Federation, which provides company-level trade data on its member companies to Luke. Since 2013, also information from some member companies of the Finnish Sawmills Association has been included. In 2016, forest management associations and more middle-sized sawmills were included in the statistics. Both the members of Finnish Sawmills Association and forest management associations submit their monthly trade information directly to Luke. Currently, the coverage of the statistics is over 90 per cent of the total sales from private forests.

Compiler of statistics

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) since 1 January 2015. The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) compiled the statistics previously.

Database: http://stat.luke.fi/en/volumes-and-prices-roundwood-trade
Description: http://stat.luke.fi/en/tilasto/4448/kuvaus/4594 (in English)
http://stat.luke.fi/tilasto/4410/laatuseloste/6181 (suomeksi)
https://stat.luke.fi/sv/tilasto/4447/kuvaus/4905 (på svenska)


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