The contents of national roundwood market statistics from the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) differ in various ways. Between the BSR countries there are, among other things, differences in forest and forest ownership structures, importance of forest sector in national economy, degree of development of wood processing industry, and forest management practices. These are reflected in roundwood trade practices, traded timber assortments and their quality specifications, number of actors trading wood etc. Thus, the units (cubic metres under bark vs. over bark), coverage (e.g. private vs. state forests vs. all ownership classes), and included timber assortments of the national roundwood statistics as well as the purpose of compiling and publishing of the statistics (research vs. business) differ across the countries of the BSR.
Due to the differences in the contents of national roundwood market statistics, the actual roundwood price levels are not comparable between the countries. Instead, comparisons of national price trends provide a means to investigate the similarities and differences in the roundwood market development between the individual BSR countries. Detailed information on the national roundwood market statistics is provided in the country-specific quality descriptions.